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SDR disclosure




Product: Maven Cognition EIS Fund

Manager: Maven Cognition Limited

Company Number: 10303336

Date: 04 February 2025


This document sets out the Consumer-facing Disclosures for the Fund based on it not using a specific sustainability label, but using one or more prescribed sustainability-related terms in communications with retail clients. This product does not have a UK sustainable investment label, and this is because Maven Cognition invests in SMEs, who are typically at a growth stage, and are therefore unlikely to have the systems and resources in place that are necessary to provide the information required to uphold a label.


Sustainability approach

Cognition places a strong emphasis on core technologies that are pivotal in creating substantial shifts in societies capability to tackle pressing global challenges. Our investment strategy prioritises sectors where innovation can lead to transformative outcomes, such as advanced robotics, artificial intelligence, clean technology, and health tech. By focusing on investments that not only offer potential for high returns but also contribute to solutions addressing environmental sustainability, healthcare advancements, and technological resilience, we align investor interests with impactful, future-oriented growth. This approach underlines our dedication to long term value creation while actively contributing to a sustainable and resilient global economy.


As such, the Fund will not invest in businesses which:

a)     do not meet UK/EU Human Rights laws;

b)     employ animal research which does not adhere to the 3Rs: Replacement, Reduction & Refinement. All research must be governed by the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 Amended Regulations 2012 (A(SP)A);

c)      produce tobacco or derive >10% revenue directly from the management or ownership of gambling facilities, the production of weapons and ammunitions, the production of pornographic materials, or any illegal activities under any applicable laws; or

d)     have substantively poor environmental practices which could not be remedied during the Fund’s period of investment, such as environmental damage.


Sustainability metrics

The fund does not have any specific ESG targets and does not track any metrics in relation to sustainability. Therefore, no meaningful metrics can be provided to offer further information on our approach to sustainability.


Further details

Company Website

Manager’s ESG Policy

Key Information Document




This website contains information regarding the Maven Cognition EIS Fund (the “Fund”), including the Fund’s Information Memorandum (“IM”).

The IM is solely intended for (i) financial intermediaries, such as independent financial advisers who are authorised and regulated by the FCA, (“Intermediaries”); and (ii) categories of recipient who are permitted to receive financial promotions for restricted mass market investments under the FCA rules being:

  • existing clients of Intermediaries for whom an Intermediary has or will confirm that the Fund is a suitable Investment for them in accordance with COBS rule 9;
  • persons who meet the requirements for being a professional client in accordance with COBS rule 3.5;
  • certified high net worth investors in accordance with COBS rule 4.12A.22(1)(a)(i);
  • certified sophisticated investors in accordance with COBS rule 4.12A.22(1)(a)(ii); and
  • self-certified sophisticated investor in accordance with COBS rule 4.12A.22(1)(a)(iii).

Persons who are not in one of the above eligible categories should navigate away from this website and any who receive the IM should disregard it and take no action. No persons other than those in the categories above (and for whom the necessary preliminary steps have been successfully completed) will be permitted to make an investment in the Fund.

An investment in the Fund will place your capital at risk and investors may not get back the full amount invested. Accordingly, an investment in the Fund is not suitable for everyone.

The Fund invests in smaller and unquoted companies which carry a higher risk than many other forms of investment. There is no guarantee that target returns will be achieved. There is no liquid market for shares in unquoted companies and there can be difficulties in valuing and disposing of investments in such companies. Tax reliefs will depend on the investors’ individual circumstance and are subject to change. 

Nothing in the IM or on this website constitutes investment or tax advice. All potential investors are recommended to seek advice from a regulated financial adviser that specialises in EIS fund investments before making an investment decision. An investment into the Fund may only be made on the basis of the information set out in the IM.

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